• The Art of DenialWendy Amengual Wark

    Am Not! Picture two siblings, perhaps eight and six years old. The argument may be over a toy, or a game, or who sat on whom, or any other rival-based competition. It may go like this: “You’re a liar!” “Am not! You are!” We used to say, “I’m rubber, you’re glue, bounce off me and stick on you!”[1] In other words, the original perpetrator of the crime turns the truth around and accusesRead more »
  • Peace TalksWendy Amengual Wark

      Can We Talk?             Once upon a time people could guess fairly accurately what another person’s political position was by their appearance. During certain periods throughout history it was also possible to determine one’s tribe based on their attire, hairstyle, and mode of transport. This was valuable information as knowing what to expect regarding interaction with others could save one’s life. Recognition enabled human beings to know whether or not they could discuss certainRead more »
  • How and Why DEIAB?Wendy Amengual Wark

    The vast majority of the attacks on diversity, equity, inclusion, access, and belonging (DEIAB) initiatives and programs, use anecdotal examples of poorly executed workshops or other strategies to dissemble and discredit the entire field and it raison d’etre. This is an old (see ancient Greece) and frequently effective technique for destroying one’s political nemeses.Read more »
  • Stealth Inclusion RevisitedWendy Amengual Wark

    Stealth Inclusion Revisited In October of 2014 (almost ten years ago!) I wrote a blog post titled “Stealth Inclusion” wherein I argued that one way to overcome resistance to DEIA programs, especially by members of the C-Suite, is to call them something else. I received push back by a reader who interpreted my methodology as deceptive to employees and so, I wrote a second post called “Stealth Inclusion Explained” explaining that I was not tryingRead more »
  • We Are Not AloneWendy Amengual Wark

         Each year I endeavor to start anew with a fresh, positive outlook. I wish that for you, as well. Each of us has to navigate our private, personal struggles as well as the macro challenges that we are confronted with as a community. War, death by guns, food insecurity, climate change, racism, sexism, antisemitism, homophobia, Islamophobia, and on and on. Typing this list is depressing in itself but much more so when I reflectRead more »
  • A DeclarationWendy Amengual Wark

    Let’s demonstrate our commitment to independence by celebrating our interdependence. Read more »
  • Take Affirmative Action Today!Wendy Amengual Wark

    For decades people have pushed back against affirmative action laws. Those people rarely understood the letter or the spirit of affirmative action. I have been asked hundreds of times if affirmative action requires a quota, a set percentage of Black, indigenous, and other people of color or members of other underrepresented groups to be admitted to an academic institution. The answer is consistently ‘no’. Organizations of all kinds continue to complain that they cannot findRead more »
  • The Many Shades of Racism and Many Shades of PassingWendy Amengual Wark

    Everyday Triggers Every day I trepidatiously scan the latest news on the internet hoping to avoid the most egregious triggers. This week began with a debate on “white Hispanic” trending in social media regarding a Deputy Sheriff in Los Angeles who shot and killed a Black man. That debate was similar to the “blue dress / gold dress” debate of 2015, with the exception that it was about race, and racism, and death. AsRead more »
  • What Difference Does Difference Make? Is the Candidate Qualified?Wendy Amengual Wark

    What Difference Does Difference Make? I have been asking this question for decades: What difference does difference make? It came to me when I was confronted by very privileged individuals who could not even imagine what life would be like for those who are not white, Christian, educated, socioeconomically secure, heterosexual, without a major disability, born in the USA, and for the most part, male. I needed to find ways to get through the resistanceRead more »
  • The Best Ways to Hold Companies Accountable for Increasing Representation of Black Senior LeadersWendy Amengual Wark

    It is always affirming to be asked to provide an opinion on diversity matters as a diversity expert. Matthew Boyle a journalist with Bloomberg Business asked me:  What have you learned about the best ways to hold companies accountable for increasing representation of Black senior leaders? Here is my long response to Matthew. (The referenced article is linked below.) Organization’s C-suites, Boards of Directors, and shareholders can hold each other and, most importantly, themselves accountableRead more »
  • Genuine Change Requires Genuine Self-Examination, Strategies, and TransparencyWendy Amengual Wark

    Genuine Change Requires Genuine Self-Examination, Strategies, and Transparency Help! During the past week my partner, Paula T. Edgar and I have received at least two dozen requests for help from potential clients. These requests have varied in terms of the specific type of help that they were seeking, but mostly people wanted help drafting their “Black Lives Matter” statements. Several people reached out asking if they could “pick our brains” (aka get free consulting), butRead more »
  • Black Lives MatterWendy Amengual Wark

    Black Lives Matter.  Inclusion Strategy Solutions LLC was founded on the principle that we must work to accomplish equity and inclusion for all people by educating and encouraging self-reflection and empathy. We assert that Black Lives Matter because throughout the history of the United States of America, Black lives have been restricted, endangered, and ended by institutional and systemic racism. We assert that every one of us must do what we can to fight racismRead more »
  • 10 Inclusive Management Best Practices for Remote TeamsWendy Amengual Wark

    10 Inclusive Management Best Practices for Remote Teams March 12, 2020 The challenge of inclusive management is even more critical when teams must function remotely. Each year, more and more employees work remotely at least part of the time. Right now, many organizations across the globe are closing for two weeks or more to stem the spread of the COVID-19 virus. There are also many employees who are being quarantined during this time. TheRead more »
  • Accountability Assures Organizational DEI SuccessWendy Amengual Wark

    Who ‘owns’ diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) at your organization? Often, the responsibility for the success, or sadly, the primary accountability for the failure of an organization’s DEI initiatives belongs to the Chief Diversity Officer (CDO) or head of HR. In many organizations, these individuals do not report to the CEO or president, but to the Chief of Staff, Chief Administrative Officer, or the CFO (this last, for reasons that escape us). Successfully advancing DEIRead more »
  • Hispanic Heritage Month: Two Different Halves Can Make One Whole!Wendy Amengual Wark

    It has always annoyed me that Hispanic heritage month spans two months. We don’t even get our own month! What do we even call ourselves? Hispanics? Latinos? Latinx? This morning, for the first time (Yes, while in the shower!), the light bulb went off. Why should we have one solid month when we are a mixed people? It makes sense that we should have some September and some October mixta. After all, we are theRead more »
  • If I Want to be Inclusive, I Must be Willing to ChangeWendy Amengual Wark

    If I Want to be Inclusive, I Must be Willing to Change When my partner, Paula T. Edgar and I facilitate workshops on workplace inclusion, we discuss all of the incredible benefits of having an inclusive workplace: more successful collaboration, greater efficiency and productivity, improved employee engagement, retention, and more effective communication, to name a few. We are transparent with participants about the fact that being inclusive requires work. The hardest part of that workRead more »
  • My Women's History - 1969Wendy Amengual Wark

    In the winter of 1969 I wore pants (sewn by my mother) to school for the 1st time. Mrs. Matossian, my 5th grade teacher sent me to Mrs. Sullivan’s (the Principal), office for coming to school dressed inappropriately. The next day, my mother sent me back to school in a new pair of ‘slacks’ with a note citing the School Dress Code for New York State allowing girls to wear pants.  This was theRead more »
  • Announcing Inclusion Strategy Solutions LLC!Wendy Amengual Wark

    January 14, 2019 Dear Friends and Colleagues, As we embark upon a new year, we wish you and yours all things wonderful! 2018 was an incredible year! Most exciting was the formation of Inclusion Strategy Solutions LLC – our partnership! (Learn more about Paula and Wendy) We recognize that our skills and competencies are enhanced through our collaboration.  Merging our organizations has provided our clients with a greater depth and range of services.Read more »
  • #METOO and What I Do About it: Part 2 – The ProblemWendy Amengual Wark

    Continued from #METOO and What I do About it: Part 1 It was another 7 years before I began working in the EEO (Equal Employment Opportunity) Office at the NYC Department of Transportation. In 1987 I became the Deputy Women’s Advisor for the agency (on top of my day job as Deputy Director of Administrative Services). I had been active in fighting for equity and justice in many different forms throughout my life andRead more »
  • #METOO and What I Do About It: Part 1 - My StoryWendy Amengual Wark

    I cannot remember the first time that I was sexually harassed. Was it the man in Central Park who exposed his genitals to my sister and me on a sunny afternoon in 1968? Was it the gang of boys on the street telling then 12 year old Wendy what they would like to do to her? [I will not share my response here as it is NSFW.] I can say that I have experienced soRead more »
  • Why [Women] People Don't Report Sexual HarassmentWendy Amengual Wark

    It’s Not Just Fox: Why Women Don’t Report Sexual Harassment” by Claire Cain Miller in the April 10, 2017 The New York Times offers some concise observations and recommendations.  I responded in the comment section, but those comments are limited to 1500 characters.  The original comment is below along with a few additional points: I have worked in the field of EEO, discrimination and harassment prevention since 1988 and have the following observations: ManyRead more »
  • Why [Women] People Don't Report Sexual HarassmentWendy Amengual Wark

    “It’s Not Just Fox: Why Women Don’t Report Sexual Harassment” by Claire Cain Miller in the April 10, 2017 The New York Times offers some concise observations and recommendations.  I responded in the comment section, but am not sure that my comment will be published by the NYT (there are already 394 comments posted), and those comments are limited to 1500 characters.  The original comment is below along with a few additional points: I haveRead more »
  • "X" Marks the Spot!Wendy Amengual Wark

    With Judy Issokson ‘X’ Marks the Spot                    We work in places that can be marked on a map with an ‘X’. Those places are occupied by people who come from many other places, with multiple perceptions, and experiences. The walls of our workplaces look and feel solid, but they are porous.  Personal experiences and responses to all that occurs in our respective worlds seep into the workplace and impact the relationships that usedRead more »
  • Diversity Equals ...Wendy Amengual Wark

    Diversity Equals … The first time that I saw a billboard with the message, “Diversity = White Genocide” I was honestly a bit confused.  After all, what most people call diversity (the inclusion of diverse people), is the opposite of genocide. Groups subjected to genocide historically include: Armenians, Jews, Cambodians, Rwandans, and Bosnians. Yesterday was Holocaust Remembrance Day. This matters because once we forget what happens when we exclude any group of people, we areRead more »
  • Happy New Year!Wendy Amengual Wark

    My husband Chris and I have an annual tradition. On New Year’s Day, if we are able, we head to the ocean, regardless of which coast we are on, to welcome the new year. The rhythmic cycle of the waves; the energy and beauty of the elements: air, water, earth, and fire of the sun collaborate to create the possibility of renewal. This year began on the beach at the Shinnecock Inlet which separates HamptonRead more »
  • In Light of Recent EventsWendy Amengual Wark

    In Light of Recent Events In light of recent events, employers are asking if they should be discussing race and violence in the workplace. Discussions of this nature have been avoided historically as they can become emotionally charged and may result in more division than inclusion. Diversity ‘subject matter experts’, such as myself are often in the awkward position of being the first to observe and address what difference difference makes. What are we toRead more »
  • I am Latino in AmericaWendy Amengual Wark

    “I Am Latino In America” On Monday evening I had the great pleasure to attend “I Am Latino in America” at El Museo del Barrio here in NYC hosted by Soledad O’Brien. The event is part of an ongoing national tour with performances and conversations about being Latino in America with celebrities, national and local advocates, business leaders, and academics. Learn More: http://www.iamlatinoinamerica.com/ Monday evening’s panelists included: Rosie Perez, Actor and Activist, Jose Calderon, PresidentRead more »
  • Resistance!Wendy Amengual Wark

    Resistance! There is resistance in weight training, resistance in electricity, resistance in magnetic fields (thinking of Leonard Nimoy today!), and resistance when it comes to diversity and inclusion.  D&I practitioners have  been trying to figure out how to overcome this resistance for decades and now, in 2015, resistance to inclusion seems to be stronger than ever.  So, how do we deal with people, especially those in leadership and management positions, who resist including others who areRead more »
  • Comfortable DiversityWendy Amengual Wark

    Comfortable Diversity I was once asked (directed) by a boss of mine not to use the words “race” or “gender” while facilitating diversity and inclusion education for the organization’s employees. The main reasons I was given for this approach were: 1. There are all types of diversity: job title, geographic location, marital status, parental status, we don’t have to focus on the obvious differences. 2. According to Dr. R. Roosevelt Thomas (the late diversity scholarRead more »
  • Visible Lives: Oral Histories of the Disability Experience - Elinor CohenWendy Amengual Wark

    Visible Lives: Oral Histories of the Disability Experience I recently wrote about Visible Lives: Oral Histories of the Disability Experience which is a New York Public Library project.  This project excited me from the moment I learned about it and now I am even more inspired to continue as an interviewer and to invite others to participate in this unique initiative! I interviewed Elinor Cohen, who has an amazing story and shared it openly and bravelyRead more »
  • Caring CapitalWendy Amengual Wark

    On December 3rd I was part of a wonderful celebration hosted by Jaime Klein, Founder of Inspire Human Resources. http://www.inspirehumanresources.com/ We participated in an (dare I say it), inspiring exercise! We were given blank journals and asked to decorate them and to write a message inside for participants in Dress for Success http://www.dressforsuccess.org/.  The journals will be used to keep career related notes on job interviews, training and other thoughts.  It was such a personalRead more »
  • Divided We FallWendy Amengual Wark

    Divided We Fall As we watched the protesters make their way up Columbus Avenue, past our building on 95th Street, we realized that they had walked all the way from 14th Street and Union Square and were going to join those already gathered at 125th Street in Harlem. My heart both leaped and sank. My heart sank because the decision by the Grand Jury of Ferguson, MO not to indict Police Officer Darren Wilson ofRead more »
  • Can Plug and Play Diversity Work?Wendy Amengual Wark

    Today NPR posted an interview with Tristan Walker, Founder and CEO of Walker and Company Brands and the non-profit, CODE2040 and J.J. McCorvey, author and Associate Editor for Fast Company, on how Mr. Walker is working to increase diversity, specifically representation of Blacks and Latinos in Silicon Valley and high tech.   http://www.npr.org/blogs/alltechconsidered/2014/11/11/363012130/tech-star-wants-to-make-diversity-plug-and-play-for-silicon-valley  Mr. Walker has earned kudos for investing in efforts aimed at resolving the demographic gap (based on race and ethnicity), in highRead more »
  • Visible Lives: Oral Histories of the Disability ExperienceWendy Amengual Wark

    I am honored to be a volunteer interviewer for The New York Public Library’s new project, Visible Lives: Oral Histories of the Disability Experience. Visible Lives: Oral Histories of the Disability Experience is an oral history project that works to both preserve and document a thematic history through personal recollections. This project will collect stories of people who have lived (or currently live) with a visual impairment or a disability.  Interviews will be shared in a preservation archiveRead more »
  • Representation At All Tables ~ Webcast ~ 22 OctoberWendy Amengual Wark

    Join us this Women’s Equality Wednesday 22 October 2014 @1:00-1:30 pm est For Our Free Live Webcast ~ “REPRESENTATION AT ALL TABLES” Watch: http://bit.ly/RepLIVE DESCRIPTION: At the current rate, parity in women’s leadership will be reached in the United States in 2085! Whether it’s politics, finance, entertainment, or the military, few women have a seat at the decision making table. NYS PowHER’s panel will explore why and how to change the playingRead more »
  • Stealth Inclusion ExplainedWendy Amengual Wark

    Stealth Inclusion Explained When I developed the concept of ‘stealth inclusion’ it was (and is) intended to help those in the C-suite who resist diversity efforts and whose approval and support every successful diversity and inclusion effort requires, to participate in educational sessions where they can personally experience transformation.  Often, members of the C-suite are white, heterosexual, affluent, educated, and male and so; this methodology particularly pertains to those among their ranks who are uncomfortableRead more »
  • Stealth InclusionWendy Amengual Wark

    By Any Other Name It has become increasingly clear to me that there is a growing resistance to diversity and inclusion initiatives in the workplace as incidents of blatant racism, sexism and really all ‘isms’ seem to be on the rise.  I cannot definitively assert that there is a direct correlation between these two trends, but I believe that there is.  So, I have developed a concept called “Stealth Inclusion.”  Stealth Inclusion is a wayRead more »
  • You Don't Always Get What You Pay For! [Part II]Wendy Amengual Wark

    Why do you need a D&I expert in the first place? Before beginning a search for a D&I / EEO expert to join or support your organization you should ask the following questions: What are our D&I / EEO goals? What resulted from our previous D&I efforts? Do we think that we need a full time staff person to take on our D&I/EEO Goals or can an outside consultant sufficiently support our needs? Do weRead more »
  • You Don't Always Get What You Pay For! [Part I]Wendy Amengual Wark

    Recently, there have been a plethora of scandals concerning domestic violence, discrimination, and sexual harassment in the news.  Each of these disturbing events seem to elicit responses by self-proclaimed ‘experts’ purporting to know how to solve problems of inequity and discrimination. This has led me to ask the question:  If you have a tooth ache, do you tie a string around that tooth and tie the other end to a door knob and slamRead more »
  • Survey Says...Wendy Amengual Wark

    Years ago I worked for an employer who would not approve of administering an employee survey because the president was afraid of what the employees would say – especially about discrimination – and did not believe that the organization could commit to responding effectively to employee concerns, criticisms, or recommendations.  Do you know what your employees are thinking and saying about you and your organization? You may not be asking them what they think, butRead more »
  • Back to SchoolWendy Amengual Wark

    Back to School  The crisp days of late summer conjure up memories of heading back to school with brand new composition notebooks, protractors, and pencils!  In New York City we returned to school a few days after the Labor Day weekend.  During the first week of school thousands of children across the country have written essays about what they learned during their summer vacation. The More Things Change … This summer marked the 50th AnniversaryRead more »
  • The NCWUS 125th Anniversary ConferenceWendy Amengual Wark

    On Friday, March 28th I had the privilege to moderate a panel titled, Unfinished Business: The Business Case for Women’s Economic Empowerment at the Conference Unfinished Business: Exploring New Horizons For Societal Change held at The Cooper Union in New York City. The conference marked the 125th Anniversary of The National Council of Women of the U.S. and celebrated its work to end sexism and racism by bringing together women and men from all backgroundsRead more »
  • The Process, Part 4: Developing Inclusion by Finding Your Hidden High-PotentialsWendy Amengual Wark

    Now that you have effectively recruited the best and the brightest talent, used an inclusive hiring process to assure that your impressive recruits became employees, and welcomed them on board in an informed and culturally conscious way, how will you develop them so that they stay long enough for you to realize a healthy return on your investment? Timing Matters When does employee development begin? Employee development begins on the day your offerRead more »
  • The Process, Part 3: All Aboard! Now What?Wendy Amengual Wark

    People are usually thrilled when they start a new job. The ‘new job feeling’ is not unlike the ‘new date feeling’ or ‘the new car feeling’. It takes most of us a while to decide whether the date will become a mate and if the car is a keeper or a lemon. Most new jobs have a three month ‘honeymoon’ period, although many people begin to feel disenchanted much sooner than that. On-boarding is theRead more »
  • The Process, Part 2: Help Wanted - Diverse Candidates Only Need ApplyWendy Amengual Wark

    Scanning job postings one can find thousands of ads with the statement: “Diverse candidates encouraged to apply.” Employers also include the phrase: “An EOE Employer,” indicating that they do not discriminate in hiring. This certainly has not always been the case. There are many examples of discriminatory want ads to share with you and, although some of them may seem amusing now, they were quite serious when they were published. There are manyRead more »
  • The Evolution of InclusionWendy Amengual Wark

    “The Evolution of Inclusion” is an article that I wrote in 2008 and is a tutorial on how the field of inclusion has evolved since I entered the world of EEO in 1988. I have gotten enough feedback on my recent blogs to see that this is still a relevant and necessary discussion, so I hope that you find this post interesting and helpful! This blog post violates one of my rules not to exceedRead more »
  • The Process, Part 1: Inclusive Recruitment Is NOT Affirmative Action!Wendy Amengual Wark

    As it is early in the year, I thought it would be interesting to start delineating some inclusion strategies in chronological order, in terms of an employer’s relationship with an employee. Recruitment marks the beginning of every relationship between employer and employee, think of the first accidental glance across a room exchanged with someone who later becomes a friend. Employers are recruiting all of the time without being aware of it: manufacturers are recruiting everyRead more »
  • Wishing You a Year Filled with Diversity and Inclusion!Wendy Amengual Wark

    NYC July 4, 2012, C. Wark In my last blog entry I asked, “What’s in a word?” I examined words used in hateful, specifically racist ways. Now, as we begin a new year, our thoughts tend to focus on how we want this year to be an improvement over last year. We wish each other good health, prosperity, happiness, and peace. Being in the diversity and inclusion business, I wish people greater diversityRead more »
  • What’s In A Word?Wendy Amengual Wark

    “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never harm me.”   My mother, like many mothers of children who were ostracized and tormented for being different, used this expression to assuage us – to no avail. We still got into physical fights with the kids in our building who called us the S-word and other Hate Words because our father was Puerto Rican.   One hundred years earlier, in MarchRead more »
  • The Women's Empowerment Principles: Equality Means BusinessWendy Amengual Wark

    I want to let you know about some of the great work that the UN is doing to advance women’s equity in the workplace and beyond, and about an amazing and dedicated woman who is helping to make our world a better place, one woman at a time! Thanks to a recent U.N. initiative, businesses worldwide now have guidelines that spell out seven principles that create a gender equitable workplace environment. In just three yearsRead more »
  • A Brief History of U.S. Women's RightsWendy Amengual Wark

    Some friends have asked me to provide a brief history of women’s rights in the United States. I am tempted to reminisce about my own involvement with the women’s movement, but that is not the assignment. This kind of exercise is always a good opportunity to review, remember and assess how far we have come while remaining mindful that we do not have full equity yet. As one trained as a historian, I really shouldRead more »
  • There is NOT an APP for that!Wendy Amengual Wark

    What came first..?A few weeks ago I received an email through LinkedIn asking me if I had a few minutes to chat with a fellow who is selling an app that would provide inclusion education for employees.  He claimed that at least one university was already using the alpha or beta version of this app.  He was asking for my input regarding his intention to expand his business into the public andRead more »
  • Announcing the Inclusion Strategy Solutions LLC PartnershipWendy Amengual Wark

    Nebahat Timur Tokgöz I am thrilled to announce the addition of two partners to assist me in leading Inclusion Strategy Solutions LLC to greater heights of collaboration and success! It is my honor to be associated with these dynamic, exceptional, and visionary women – Tresa Eyres and Nebahat Timur Tokgöz. Collectively they add a wealth of knowledge and experience, competency, and professionalism to Inclusion Strategy Solutions LLC. They each also bring something even more valuableRead more »
  • CommemorationsWendy Amengual Wark

    Commemorations This week commemorates two anniversaries: August 26, 1920 the day that the 19th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution was ratified granting women suffrage or the right to vote and August 28, 1963 when more than 200,000 people convened the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom. Commemoration is the act of co-remembering, to publicly share and memorialize some historic event. As a student of history, I love commemorations and the many ways that theyRead more »
  • The Emperor's New ClothesWendy Amengual Wark

    “The Emperor’s New Clothes,” Vilhelm Pedersen The Emperor’s New Clothes Hans Christian Anderson illustrated the vulnerability of leaders who are unable to self assess in his wonderful tale “The Emperor’s New Clothes.” Another important observation that Anderson made was that the Emperor’s ‘executive leadership team’ would not tell him the truth about his lack of coverage, or protection for fear of retribution. So, because of his vanity and inability to engender trust in others heRead more »
  • IndependenceWendy Amengual Wark

    The Founding Fathers Committing treason, more akin to blasphemy, as they were citizens of a nation still influenced by decades of a belief in ‘divine right’ did not come easily to the Founding Fathers. This belief that kings were appointed by God was waning by 1763 when the British, as a result of really poor management, raised taxes in the colonies resulting in the American Revolution which helped to put an end to divine rightRead more »
  • Cities of PeopleWendy Amengual Wark

    Last week I came across an essay that I wrote in 1996 examining the role that a city’s inhabitants play on transforming their space and how they are the architects of the future, especially through their diversity of thought.  This essay is as relevant today as it was when I wrote it. I asserted that cities are comprised of people whose lives, experiences and perspectives are the pulse of any community.  I contended that theRead more »
  • Learning to be InclusiveWendy Amengual Wark

    “I’m Done” Several years ago I was in California’s central valley to facilitate training sessions for a large organization with many locations. It was well over 110 degrees and despite the low humidity, it felt very hot. I had spoken with my contact the day before to make sure that all of the details for the sessions were taken care of, but when I arrived at the training location the laptop that was needed toRead more »
  • Do One Thing!Wendy Amengual Wark

    The InvitationMany of you live what would be considered multicultural  or intercultural lives as people who love to travel the world; eating foods of all types; soaking in the wonders of cultural institutions providing bridges to other worlds, often within our own neighborhoods; and of course, having relationships with many people from many cultures.  So, your responses to my invitation to “Do One Thing” in celebration of World Day for Cultural Diversity and Dialogue Development,Read more »
  • An InvitationWendy Amengual Wark

    When people ask me what the difference is between the words diversity and inclusion I explain that diversity is a statement of fact, (think of the diverse group of objects on your desk.), while inclusion is an action (placing the objects on the desk is necessary if they are to be included). We may be included in a group without being invited, but the most successful groups are those that are comprised ofRead more »
  • Why Should You Ask?Wendy Amengual Wark

    What’s your story? People love to tell their stories. However, they usually need to be asked to do so. Asking someone to share how they have acquired the knowledge and skills that help them to thrive in their work – outside of the professional and academic arenas – gives them an opportunity to tell you their story. It also gives you valuable information about a person’s transferable skills and competencies – information that may notRead more »
  • InterdependenceWendy Amengual Wark

    Independence is highly valued in American culture. Our independence from England, the independence of thought expressed by our right and responsibility to vote, the independence of a capitalist system where consumers choose which products to buy, and the independence to live and work where we choose. Interdependence takes our ability to act and think independently to the next level.   In the workplace interdependence is an essential element of success. Success is indicatedRead more »
  • Introducing Inclusion StrategyWendy Amengual Wark

    I am finally launching my first blog!  With all of the thought that I give to advancing innovation through increasing inclusion and creating real diversity in the workplace, it has taken me a while to catch up to this innovative means of communication!  😉  Perhaps because writing is an isolated, team-less activity – until I hear from you that is.  Once this becomes a dialogue and is no longer a monologue it willRead more »